What Is This Site?

Collest.com let's you to find out the best videos from You-tube. We bring you the best, new and top grossing videos which are fun to watch.

We label our videos for you to see what kind of videos are they before watching. Which You-tube doesn't supply.

We receive most of the videos from our visitors through the video submission page. We check out the videos that our visitors submitted. And if it's worth to watch we post it on our website. So if you have a video that you really like, go ahead and submit it!

Submit a Video

Our site is also good for the You-tube users. If you upload a video on You-tube and you can submit it to our site. And your video will be watched from our visitors and maybe will be shared to their social networks. So it's a good way to make your new video popular.

We have minimized our ads and our design.Which means we are not gonna annoy you with stupid pop-up ads.

I wish you have fun on our site!